
Friday, February 07, 2003


I really love the Phoenix browser. Its an ultra-lightweight browser packaged off the Mozilla codebase.

The entire install is only 6 MB. Its very good, very fast and very small.

I absolutely LOVE its support for tabbed browsing (middle click on a link and it loads the link in a new tab in the same browser - great if you want to open a bunch of links at once without having to manage a ton of browser windows). You can also middle click on a tab to close it. It also has lots of the convenience shortcuts like IE (forward and back on the 4th/5th mousebuttons, CTRL enter changes "acme" -> http://www.acme.com, CTRL mousewheel increases/reduces font size, and many more). I strongly encourage everyone to try it out. I like it better than IE, Netscape and Mozilla.

Here's the link for Phoenix 0.5

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